Sunday, May 13, 2012


To all the moms and mom of moms who may read this, a very warm Happy Mother's Day to each of you.  I hope your day is extra special in every way.  My boys are grown and live out of town with their families of their own, but phones and the internet are amazing devices for keeping in touch with one and all.

This morning my husband surprised me with a lovely corsage;  Friday  he met with the florist, choosing very carefully the flowers he wanted included.  He snuck it into the house and hid it in the fridge -- now how in the world could I miss seeing it, especially tied up with the magenta ribbon matching the one in the corsage?  While the flowers in time will wilt, the memory will not --especially with a picture to keep it fresh in my mind. (I love cameras!)

May all your days bloom with love!