Do you ever have times where you make a card, it looks okay, but you know it could be better. Yet you aren't quite sure what it needs. That was my experience with my last post.
The card hung on my magnet board for a couple of weeks. I liked the colors well enough, but there was just something that wasn't quite right.
While prepping for my club to teach them the techniques involved, it finally dawned on me -- the card was out of balance, with too much negative space. Thankfully it was a quick and easy fix.
Ah, now that's better, don't you think?
My club members agree that the longer flower image works ever so much better here.
Notice the double sponging around the flowers? I love this technique of sponging first one color all around, then a second over it. Here we used Daffodil Delight followed by Calypso Coral.
Happy stampin'!